Hello, it's been a bit. Here's some info about recent podcasts that I've been a part of.

Kube Cuddle - Joe Beda

If you’re not in tech and the Kubernetes community, you may want to skip to the next section. But I recently posted an episode of my podcast Kube Cuddle, where I spoke to one of the founders of the Kubernetes project, Joe Beda. Talking with Joe was a lot of fun. I had some imposter syndrome that prevented me from asking to interview him sooner, but I’m glad I finally did.

We talked a lot about Kubernetes history. My first real look at Kubernetes was after the 1.0 release in 2015 when I saw Kelsey Hightower talk about it at a small tech conference. Joe and I discussed the state of containers and orchestration back then and what Google had been doing with containers before Kubernetes. After the interview, Joe sent me a link to this blog post he wrote in 2015 about using containers at Google, which is pretty fascinating to see now.

The audience questions for Joe revolved around what he’d do differently with Kubernetes, and we explored that some.

I mean, I mentioned earlier sort of like our focus on extensibility and things like CRDs was really sort of that, you know, the second stage of the rocket that really took Kubernetes to the next level. Um, we stumbled upon that. That wasn't super obvious to us at the beginning. I think if we were gonna go back and, and, you know, hindsight is 2020 or if there was ever gonna be a Kubernetes 2.0.
I think…having no built in resources, having everything be a CRD, you know, really taking the, sort of the distributed nature of the controllers not being…separate from the scheduler, being separate from the API server. I think we would've taken that even further and I think….we probably would've…made that be the system, the core system to start with. And then built everything as extension extensions on top of that.

We also talked about Joe’s experiences at Microsoft, Heptio, and VMware. I think it was a fascinating conversation and one that Kubernetes users should really enjoy. You might want to watch the two-part Kubernetes documentary from Honeypot before listening to the episode if you haven’t seen it. We refer to it some, and it’s also good for the historical context. It’s free on YouTube; here are links to part one and part two.

To listen to my interview with Joe, search for Kube Cuddle in your podcast player of choice, or listen here. There’s also a transcript.

Thanks so much to Joe for coming on the podcast.

Some podcasts I’m a guest on

I was a guest on a couple of podcast episodes that shipped recently, too.

I spoke with Bill Kennedy for the Ardan Labs podcast, which was quite a bit of fun. If you’re not familiar with Bill, he’s a Golang trainer, and I’ve always heard impressive things about his classes. We spoke a lot about my life and career, including my time doing improv comedy (in college and a few years after), my ADHD, and the changes I’ve seen in technology during my career.

Speaking of ADHD, I was also a guest on Jesse J. Anderson’s podcast called ADHD Nerds. Jesse has ADHD and creates great content about it. He and I have known each other for a while, and we actually took two classes together in a program that trains ADHD coaches. In the episode we talked about how I came to think I had ADHD, how I was diagnosed, and what it’s been like working in tech with ADHD. Also some Barkley vs. Hallowell chat.

If you like hearing from me, have a listen to one or both of those episodes. I enjoy being a guest on podcasts, although I think I prefer to be the one conducting the interviews. When I host, I focus a lot on the guest and finding a way to bring out their stories, which is very fulfilling.

Poison Ivy

I want to shout out a comic book that I’m enjoying very much right now, G. Willow Wilson’s run on Poison Ivy. I’m a big fan of Willow, who is best known in comics for co-creating Kamala Khan in Ms. Marvel. This book is very different from Ms. Marvel but I’m really loving it. Without spoiling much, it starts with Ivy leaving her love Harley Quinn and then taking a road trip to save the planet. The writing is very beautiful and moving, and the art, mainly by Marcio Takara, is fantastic too. Some of the pages are absolutely stunning.

This is one of the few books I have in my pull list at my local comics shop, and I definitely recommend it. I also enjoy following Willow on Twitter, and she’s made a Mastadon account too.

Happy New Year!

I won’t be writing you all again before the year ends. I hope you have a fun and safe NYE. I’ll see you in 2023.

Podcast catch-up